Volume 3 includes ready to use sounds in the style of new jazz, victim, 800pts, lunchbox, zodiak, glo and more.
- 60 808s
- 25 Claps
- 10 Crashes
- 20 Glitchs
- 20 Hi Hats
- 10 Kicks
- 15 Laughs
- 16 Loops
- 85 Midis
- 35 Open Hats
- 45 Percs
- 10 Rims
- 15 Risers
- 85 Serum Presets
- 20 SFX
- 220 Shaperbox 3 Presets for FL Studio
- 15 Snares
- 45 Vox & Chants
- 85 Oneshots